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The growing number of online shoppers is creating great opportunities for online businesses. You need to develop strategies to attract more customers and increase order volume to compete effectively and increase sales. We’ll explore the most effective ways to increase sales from online orders in this article. Life situations change. Sometimes, getting out of a crisis can be easier with FCLOANS.

We suggest analyzing the following parameters at the beginning of the work and before implementing new sales strategies:

  • Market share held by competitors;
  • Products with high demand and margins, which will bring you first sales;
  • Competitive marketing strategies and promotion channels;
  • Your competitive advantages;
  • Your objective weaknesses that could be an obstacle to the promotion of the store;
  • Portraits of key prospective clients;
  • Principles of product selection — offers that will interest customers, customer problems that can be solved using your products, etc.

Expand your assortment

The addition of new products to your store’s assortment can be a great way to attract new customers and increase repeat sales. Determine which products to add to your catalog by analyzing customer needs and market trends.

Optimize your website for search engines (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a key element of a successful online business. By optimizing your site for search engines, you can increase its visibility in search results and attract more potential customers.

  • Use keywords: Include relevant keywords in your website content to help search engines better understand and index your pages.
  • Meta tags: Optimize meta tags such as title and description for better CTR (click-through rate) from search results.
  • URL structure: Make sure your URLs are clear and include keywords for better optimization.

Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of SEO promotion as the first channel for attracting customers.


  • It is a long-term strategy that will allow the site to remain in the top positions after a certain period.
  • 45% of users prefer to visit websites from organic search results than from context.
  • The ability to outperform competitors who invest more in contextual advertising — this reduces the cost of each customer acquired.


  • In most niches, the terms of reaching the TOP vary from 6 to 12 months. During this time, you invest in SEO.
  • Traffic goes if there is a demand for goods, if not — more general queries are used for advertising, which may not convert well.
  • The position of the site can be affected by changes in search algorithms.

Using social media

Social media is a powerful tool for product promotion and customer engagement. You can increase customer engagement and encourage purchases by regularly posting interesting content and promotions.

E-commerce and mobile applications

Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices. To make shopping easier for mobile users, consider creating a mobile app for your online store.

Effective sales funnel

Guide potential customers from initial interest to purchase with a clear and effective sales funnel. You can significantly increase conversions by improving each stage of the funnel.

Customer reviews and ratings

Positive feedback can have a significant impact on the purchase decisions of other customers. After each purchase, invite your customers to leave a review or rating.

Personalized offers

Increase interest and loyalty to your brand by using customer purchase data to create personalized offers and recommendations.

Speed of page loading

Make sure your site loads quickly, as slow pages can cause you to lose customers. Use tools to analyze how fast your site loads and make improvements.

Loyalty programs

Encourage repeat purchases and build brand loyalty by developing loyalty programs to reward loyal customers.

High-quality content

Create and publish quality, useful content that not only helps your SEO but also provides value to your customers by increasing their trust in your brand.

You can significantly increase your online sales by using these strategies. Be sure to measure the results of each strategy and make adjustments. This will help you continually improve your customer acquisition process and increase your online sales.

Keep in mind that success in online sales is a matter of time, patience, and constant optimization. To keep your online business competitive, be willing to experiment and adapt to market changes.

Of course, for each specific business, you need to develop an individual promotion strategy and choose the best channels for attracting customers, which are effective for a particular niche.

It is important not to rely 100% on one channel because each one is not perfect, but when combined, it provides a good outcome.