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company employees discuss plans.

In the current era, generating network marketing leads has become remarkably convenient, thanks to technological advancements. The days of going door-to-door or searching for potential prospects in malls are long gone. The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way businesses operate, not just limited to network marketing but across all industries. With the pace of change accelerating rapidly, it is crucial to stay updated to avoid missing out on valuable opportunities.

When it comes to generating network marketing leads, there are certain practices that should be avoided. Here are three things that one should refrain from doing.

Purchasing Leads

Opting to buy leads is akin to taking a shot in the dark, as the quality and authenticity of these leads are uncertain. It’s a risky approach, and conducting thorough research is highly recommended before considering this path.

Steer Clear of “Link Barfing” or “Link Spamming”

“Link barfing” or “link spamming” refers to the act of bombarding social media platforms with referral links, hoping that someone will click on them. In reality, this strategy rarely yields positive results (around 99% of the time). It is strongly advised to avoid this tactic, especially considering Facebook’s updated Terms of Service, which may result in being blocked for perceived spamming. Moreover, such behavior can create a negative impression among others, making them feel pressured rather than empowered to make their own buying decisions.

Avoid Excessive Social Media Spamming

Using social media as a means to spam people with your network marketing opportunity is not an effective way to generate leads. This approach focuses on pitching and selling, disregarding the fact that people generally dislike being sold to. Social media platforms are primarily used for connecting with friends and consuming content, not for constant sales pitches. To generate network marketing leads successfully, it is advisable to leverage social media and the internet as tools, but focus on transitioning offline for pitching and selling once a connection has been established.

Remember, the key is to build genuine relationships and provide value, rather than forcefully pushing products or opportunities onto others.

  • When the narrator initially embarked on building their Forever Living business 14 years ago, Facebook played a predominant role in their lead generation efforts. However, the landscape has evolved, offering a plethora of powerful methods for generating MLM leads both online and offline. In this article, valuable advice is provided on how to prepare before initiating lead marketing, what practices to avoid, and effective ways to discover the best leads;
  • The foremost step in lead generation is to determine the target audience and identify potential physical or virtual platforms where they can be found. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the needs or desires that one’s product or service can address. For instance, joining a network marketing business can help individuals fulfill their income-related needs. By establishing this clarity, the narrator is able to pinpoint the individuals who are most likely to possess that specific need or desire, thus defining their target audience. In their case, stay-at-home moms seeking opportunities to generate income while balancing their motherhood responsibilities serve as their prime target audience;
  • It is important to always keep the target audience at the forefront of any MLM lead generation strategy, regardless of the chosen method. The strategy and messaging employed should align with their needs and aspirations. It is essential to think like an entrepreneur, consistently considering how the narrator, their product, or service can assist in fulfilling the needs and desires of the target audience.

Remember, successful lead generation relies on understanding and catering to the target audience, while providing solutions that align with their specific requirements and goals.

  • Establish an Online Presence. Creating a website has proven to be a highly advantageous business move, and the narrator can attest to its effectiveness. It is advisable to review the policies of the company one is affiliated with to understand their guidelines regarding websites. Fortunately, in the case of Forever Living, they permit individuals to have their own website;
  • Possessing a personal website not only sets one apart from competitors but also provides a platform for potential customers or prospects to discover and connect with them. In situations where the network marketing company prohibits direct websites related to the business, an alternative approach is to create a website centered around a topic relevant to the industry. Contrary to common belief, building a website is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with ease;
  • By establishing an online presence through a website, the narrator can effectively showcase their expertise, share valuable information, and establish credibility in their field. It serves as a hub for individuals to learn more about their network marketing business, products, and services, ultimately enhancing their overall marketing efforts;
  • Cultivate Your Personal Brand. Developing a personal brand is closely intertwined with the concept of owning a website. Establishing a strong personal brand not only presents a professional image but also adds credibility, positioning the narrator as a distinguished leader in their network marketing business;
  • When generating leads online, it is vital to ensure that one does not remain an enigma, leaving people struggling to find relevant information about them. Before delving into the specifics of the products or services being offered, individuals often invest in the person behind the brand. Therefore, fostering a robust personal brand requires positioning oneself as an expert in the industry.

This can be accomplished by creating valuable content that resonates with the target audience, much like the current blog article being read. Additionally, leveraging social media platforms to share more personal aspects of one’s life and offering glimpses into their day-to-day activities can be effective. By doing so, they allow others to see their authenticity and transparency. This approach provides a window into the narrator’s journey from the very beginning, instilling confidence in others that they too can embark on a similar path.


These personal touchpoints play a crucial role in building trust with potential leads. Trust in the person typically precedes trust in the MLM company, making it more likely for individuals to make informed buying decisions or join as part of the narrator’s downline. By nurturing a strong personal brand, the narrator positions themselves as a reliable authority, gaining the trust and loyalty of their audience.

Laptop screen “Brand personality & visual identity.

Develop an Email List

Email marketing remains a highly effective method for lead generation and fostering communication with prospects. To construct an email list, having a website serves as a valuable platform to direct individuals to.

  • One of the most successful approaches the narrator has discovered is offering a valuable free resource to those who subscribe to their email list. This incentive ensures that the leads acquired possess a higher level of quality. It is essential to ensure that the offer provided through the email sign-up surpasses the value offered in the narrator’s blog or social media posts. By obtaining someone’s email address, direct access to communication is established, paving the way for building trust and cultivating a deeper connection;
  • The email list becomes a powerful tool for nurturing leads over time. By consistently delivering valuable content, insights, and exclusive offers directly to subscribers’ inboxes, the narrator can establish themselves as a trusted authority in their field. This direct and personalized communication fosters a sense of connection and strengthens the relationship with potential customers, increasing the likelihood of conversions and long-term engagement.

Remember, building an email list is not just about capturing contact information but also about providing ongoing value to subscribers, ensuring that they perceive the content received via email as indispensable and eagerly anticipate future communications.

Establish a Referral Program

Developing a referral program can prove highly effective in expanding the customer base for product sales. There may be instances when the narrator presents the business opportunity to someone, but they express a preference for becoming a customer instead.

  • In such cases, it is advantageous to welcome them as customers and remain open to the possibility that they may choose to pursue the business opportunity at a later time. To leverage their existing customer base, the narrator can encourage their customers, as well as individuals who initially show no interest, to refer others who might genuinely appreciate the products. As an incentive, offering a discount on their next purchase can be an excellent motivator;
  • Often, during conversations, prospects may not be immediately interested in making a purchase themselves. However, they may have connections who are potential customers. Satisfied customers who are pleased with the products and services provided may willingly share information about the narrator’s product or business, and the narrator should capitalize on this opportunity.

Just like in other businesses, referrals from satisfied customers tend to be more receptive to making a purchase compared to those who have no prior connection. They approach the narrator with a certain level of interest, making the conversion process smoother and more likely to result in a successful sale. By nurturing and utilizing these referral networks, the narrator can significantly expand their customer base and enhance the overall growth of their network marketing business.

Conduct Informative Webinars

Organizing a webinar presents a potent opportunity for attracting individuals and expanding the MLM leads list. 

  • The narrator has adopted a weekly practice of hosting a free 30-minute Zoom presentation every Monday. This session covers crucial aspects such as the MLM company’s background, its products, and its track record, as well as delving into the various income opportunities available;
  • Additionally, participants gain insights into how they can build the business from the comfort of their homes using only a laptop and internet connection;
  • By hosting webinars, the narrator can provide a comprehensive overview of the offering while gauging the level of interest among attendees. Moreover, webinars offer convenience to both parties involved. In today’s fast-paced world, not everyone has the time or means to meet physically, making online presentations an accessible alternative. This approach also opens up the opportunity for individuals from different parts of the world to attend and gain a deeper understanding of the narrator’s offer;
  • To ensure effective lead capture, it is crucial to request attendees’ email addresses in exchange for webinar bookings. The narrator can achieve this by creating a dedicated landing page on their website, where interested individuals can sign up. This strategy allows for ongoing communication and relationship building beyond the webinar session.

Webinars serve not only as an educational platform but also as an avenue for fostering connections. Incorporating interactive elements such as Q&A sessions enables the narrator to better understand the audience and establish rapport. By utilizing webinars as a tool for information dissemination and relationship building, the narrator can effectively engage and nurture their MLM leads, ultimately driving the growth of their network marketing business.

Embrace Blogging

A blog serves as an immensely powerful marketing tool for network marketing businesses, allowing them to provide value to their target audience without resorting to aggressive selling tactics. When optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a blog can attract organic leads to the website, increasing visibility and reach.

  • While the concept of blogging may initially appear overwhelming, conducting thorough research and seeking guidance from experts like Neil Patel can provide valuable insights into leveraging blogs for marketing success;
  • By offering readers free tips and solutions related to their service or products, the narrator established themselves as a helpful resource, addressing the challenges faced by their audience;
  • Crucially, through search engine queries, individuals encountering the same pain points addressed in the blog can discover the narrator’s content on platforms like Google. This strategic approach ensures that the blog becomes a powerful means of attracting interested prospects actively seeking solutions;
  • Possessing a blog grants the narrator autonomy and control over their online presence. Although it may not be immediately recognized as a social media platform, it holds immense significance as a piece of internet real estate, exclusively owned by the narrator;
  • Unlike social media accounts, which are subject to the platforms’ Terms of Service, potentially leading to unexpected removal, blockage, or deletion, the blog remains under the narrator’s complete authority.

Consider the blog as an investment in a personal piece of digital property. By avoiding free blogging platforms like Blogger, Weebly, or Tumblr, the narrator ensures full ownership and control, allowing them to shape and curate their content according to their marketing objectives. This ownership provides stability and independence in the online realm, making the blog an invaluable asset for the narrator’s network marketing business.

Leverage Social Media for Online Network Marketing Lead Generation

As highlighted earlier, social media platforms should be seen as rented spaces, and it’s crucial to diversify your online presence. Nevertheless, it’s essential to make the most of these powerful platforms while they are available.

Facebook, being one of the largest social media platforms, offers a vast pool of potential prospects who may show interest in your MLM business. 

  • By reaching out and connecting with 12 new individuals each day, the narrator envisions significant improvements in their business. Establishing Facebook friendships provides an opportunity to understand the challenges these individuals face, allowing the narrator to offer tailored solutions. Sharing lifestyle updates and activities on Facebook helps acquaint people with the narrator’s personality;
  • Many of these curious individuals become interested in the narrator’s endeavors and seek more information about their activities and accomplishments. The narrator outlines several effective strategies for utilizing Facebook:
    • Maintaining a Facebook page to run lead generation ads, which can be linked to free eBook offers or similar incentives;
    • Posting blog articles to provide value to the community and drive traffic back to the website;
    • Leveraging Facebook Live to engage with a broader audience, showcasing authenticity, building trust, and providing educational content relevant to the target market’s interests.
  • YouTube, the world’s second-largest search engine, boasts over 1 billion active monthly users. By creating problem-solving videos tailored to the audience’s needs, the narrator can capture the attention of numerous new prospects. YouTube proves highly effective for lead generation as users actively seek answers and solutions to their problems. When offering valuable content that addresses the target audience’s concerns, the narrator naturally attracts the right individuals;
  • With over 500 million global users, LinkedIn has become a popular platform for collecting network marketing leads. Before engaging in networking activities on LinkedIn, it’s crucial to maintain an updated and professional profile, including a high-quality photo and comprehensive details about the company and the narrator’s role. Joining relevant LinkedIn groups for network marketers allows the narrator to contribute valuable information without focusing on direct selling. By sharing insightful content within these groups, the narrator can attract interested individuals who express curiosity about their business. To further qualify prospects, the narrator suggests transitioning the conversation to phone calls;
  • Another effective approach on LinkedIn involves using specific keywords to search for contacts that align with the target audience. By connecting with these individuals, the narrator expands their network and increases the potential for network marketing opportunities.

By strategically utilizing social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, the narrator maximizes their reach, engages with prospects, and nurtures valuable connections for their network marketing business.

the company is discussing a business plan.

In addition to Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, there are other social media platforms that can be leveraged to generate network marketing leads. The narrator recognizes the importance of diversification and explores additional avenues to expand their reach and connect with potential prospects.

  • Instagram, with its visually focused nature, offers a unique opportunity to showcase the narrator’s products or services in a visually appealing way. By creating an engaging and aesthetically pleasing feed, utilizing relevant hashtags, and interacting with followers, the narrator can attract the attention of individuals interested in their MLM business. Instagram Stories provide an interactive platform to share behind-the-scenes glimpses, product demonstrations, and testimonials, further enhancing the personal connection with the audience;
  • Twitter, known for its real-time updates and short-form content, can be utilized to spark conversations and engage with industry influencers. By sharing valuable insights, participating in relevant Twitter chats, and actively networking with like-minded individuals, the narrator can establish their authority in the network marketing field. Retweeting and responding to relevant industry news and trends also helps to increase visibility and attract potential leads;
  • Pinterest, a visual discovery platform, can be a valuable asset for generating leads in the network marketing industry. By creating appealing and informative pins that link back to the narrator’s website or blog, they can capture the interest of users searching for inspiration, tips, or solutions related to their niche. Utilizing keyword optimization and joining group boards within the network marketing or related industries can significantly increase the visibility and reach of the narrator’s content.

Additionally, emerging platforms such as TikTok and Clubhouse present exciting opportunities to connect with a younger demographic and engage in real-time conversations. TikTok’s short-form videos allow for creative storytelling and showcasing the benefits of the narrator’s MLM products or business opportunity in a captivating way. Clubhouse, an audio-based social platform, enables the narrator to participate in industry-specific discussions, share expertise, and network with potential leads in a more intimate setting.